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Terms and Conditions

Updated: 1 December 2024
Terms and Conditions

By accessing and using Telos, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Use and the Telos Master Services Agreement. If you do not agree, please do not use our services. Telos is provided by Telos NZ Limited. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue services at any time.

1. Term

The Telos Service will continue until it is cancelled by either party by giving 30 days notice in writing.  Either party can cancel individual support ordevelopment services at any time and service will continue until the end of thecurrent billing period.  No refund will be provided following cancellation.

2. Application Grade

A monthly licence fee of $499 is required to use the Telos platform. The Telos platform provides a digital blueprint of your software application with an AI-enabled service desk.

3. Support Services

Technical and user support services can be purchased as a monthly subscription or ad-hoc and will be managed via the Telos Platform. The Telos Platform provides a summary of support requests and application metrics. Support Services are provided as per the attached Service Level Agreement.

4. Development Services

Development services can be purchased as a monthly subscription or ad-hoc and will be managed via the Telos Platform.  Development work will be completed as a Fixed Price per Support Request in the Telos platform, where each Support Request forms a Cycle as defined in the Master Services Agreement.

Each Support Request will contain Must Have Requirements which will be used to set the cost in story points. Additional requirements will form a new Support Request.  Each Support Request will be payable on completion at the rate of $720 + GST per story point. The Telos Platform provides a statement of story points purchased and consumed.

5. Licence and Consumption Charges

Licence fees and consumption charges for third-party products and services that have been incurred on your behalf, will be added to your next monthly invoice. A 10% surcharge will be added to all consumption charges. The Telos Platform provides a statement of licence and consumption charges.

6. Payment Terms

Subscription and licence fees will be invoiced monthly in advance. Any charges that are not covered by a subscription, including ad-hoc support requests, development and consumption charges will be invoiced on completion. Invoices will be payable by credit card within 7 days. All prices are in NZD and exclude GST.

7. Service Level Agreement

Support, response and resolution times, are provided during New Zealand business hours (9am to 5pm weekdays, excluding public holidays.), using the Support Process described below and will be managed through the Telos platform at

Some services will be automated or provided continuously and there forewill be available outside these hours, however they will not be monitored by ahuman outside the above hours.Telos provides a tiered support model via the Telos platform, which works as follows.

Backlog tickets

Items added to the backlog are for the customer’s planning purposes only and will not be actioned by a support analyst. An AI agent will attach to each backlog item and provide insights from the blueprint. Backlog items can be converted to support requests at any time. Unlimited backlog tickets are included in the Telos licence fee.

Knowledge tickets

Knowledge tickets record meetings and provide information that is used to improve the blueprint. Unlimited knowledge tickets are included in the Telos licence fee.

Recommendation tickets

Recommendations are provided by support analysts and will not be actioned until approved by the customer. To approve a recommendation, it can be converted to a support request at any time. Recommendation tickets are included in the Monitor subscription, which is part of the Business Ready plan.

Support Requests

Support requests are created via the Telos platform at  Urgent requests should be followed up by a phone call to a Telos staff member. The customer will set the initial priority in the request, which can be later changed by either the support analyst or the Customer. Support requests will be separated into one request per ticket and classified as: Maintenance, Support or Development.

Maintenance tickets

Any support request that requires maintenance of an infrastructure resource, including managing certificates, secrets, updates, capacity and responding to monitor alerts. Does not include any source code or infrastructure as code changes. Maintenance tickets are covered by a Maintain subscription.

Application Support tickets

Support tickets will be actioned by a support analyst within the agreed response timeframes. The support analyst will use the information available in the blueprint to provide technical and user assistance. At the end of the support request, the information learned in the request will be added to the blueprint. Support tickets include access to data and resources when a Monitor subscription is in place.  A support ticket can include up-to 15 minutes of source code changes. Application Support tickets are included in an Application Support subscription, or charged per ticket.

Development tickets

Development tickets will be actioned by a developer within the agreed response timeframes. Development includes any support request that requires a substantial source code change, including a change to infrastructure as code. Each ticket will be estimated in story points. Story points can be purchased via monthly subscription, or in advance.

8. Service Levels

High Priority

Major operational errors preventing users from using  the service as a whole or affecting core functionality of the service, or  issues that will cause major reputational risk.

Medium Priority

Operational errors materially limiting the  functionality of the service. Operation is restricted, but not completely impossible.

Low Priority

All other standard processes of services, or requests.

9. Response and Resolution Times


1 hour

4 hours

8 hours

5 days


4 hours

8 hours

2 days

10 days


4 hours

5 days

10 days

20 days


1 day

10 days

20 days

40 days

10. Privacy Policy

You own your data, including your blueprint.  Telos staff and AI agents will have access to your data.  All care is taken to ensure that your private data is not publicly exposed. For more information, read our privacy policy.

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